TCEB Situation Update
Travel Advisory: COVID-19 Virus on 24 April 2021
Limit of Domestic Flight Operation in Response to New Wave of COVID-19 Infection
In accordance with the announcement number 20, dated 16 April 2021, the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) has issued guidelines for air transport operators as a means to prevent and contain the new infection rate nationwide and the impacts on the passengers. The guideline details are as follows:
- 1. Air transport operators are asked to limit domestic flights between 23.00 hrs. – 04.00 hrs.
- 2. In case of flight cancellation and consolidation, the passengers must be informed and well taken care of in accordance with the Ministry of Transport’s announcement issued in 2010 on the protection of the right of the passengers flying to domestic scheduled routes with Thai airlines. (http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/law/law3/%BB%C706/%BB%C706-2e-2553-a0003.htm - TH Version)
- 3. Air transport operators are requested to take into account social distancing in making seating arrangement appropriate with the number of passengers in to avoid congestion.
- 4. Airport operators and air transport operators should strengthen their measures to ensure that clients and visitors strictly follow the directives of CAAT, announced on 9 April 2021, on the service delivery for domestic flight passengers during the COVID-19 infection situation. (https://www.caat.or.th/th/archives/57281 - TH Version)
- 5. Airport operators and air transport operators must inform passengers who are confirmed patients or high risk persons to suspend their travel. Any violations are subject to penalty as stipulated in the Communicable Disease Act B.E. 2548 (2005).
The guidelines are effective 18 April 2021 until further notice.
References https://www.caat.or.th/th/archives/57343 (TH Version)
Further information about COVID-19 outbreak from WHO
Department of Disease Control Contact Centre (Call 1422 24/7)
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (Call +66 (0) 2694 6000)
https://www.businesseventsthailand.com/en/situation-update-coronavirus-covid-19 or info@tceb.or.th